Postgraduate Design Work
2020年广州美术学院毕业展于6月16日正式上线,由于疫情的原因,本次广美毕业展首度以云观展的方式呈现。 历经一年的沉淀,饱含各导师的苦心指导和学生们的精心打造,最终造就了此次研究生毕业展别出心裁的作品。本次工业设计学院发布的29个作品,围绕“社会·文化,生活·情感,健康·应急,科技·未来,服务·体验,材料·生态”六个分主题展开,涵盖了服务、产品、交通工具、服装、饰品等范围。展览的作品种类繁多、手法多样,学生以其独特的视角和专业的艺术语言,诠释了他们对艺术不同的理解与追求,同时也是广州美术学院工业设计学院的培育、研究生的学与思所凝结的成果。 突如其来的疫情仅仅改变了展览的方式,但并没有改变展览的初心。关于学生们对疫情,以及对当下社会生活的再认识,让我们一起在“云端”寻找答案吧!
After a year of precipitation, the hard work of the tutors and the careful creation of the students have finally created the ingenious works of this exhibition. The 29 works released by the School of Innovation Design are developed around six themes of "society & culture, life & emotion, health & emergency, technology & future, service & experience, materials & ecology", covering services, products, transportation, clothing, accessories, etc. The exhibition has a wide variety of works and diverse techniques. Students have interpreted their different understanding and pursuit of art with their unique perspective and professional artistic language. At the same time, it is also the result of the condensed learning and thinking of the postgraduate students at school of innovation GAFA.